Thursday, 28 October 2010


Update - Joe Cricket #1

I started this project back in October and the first attempt went okay, but I need models to shoot some pictures for reference to finish the work off. In the meantime I've set myself the task of painting my son Joe as a practice run and to continue learning how to use the paints and their properties as I've never used acrylics before and the work I'm producing now is the first paintings I've worked on since 1987.

There's some earlier stages posted elsewhere at
but now on I'll post up any progress images on here for the time being. This project I started in early Jan with the intention of working on the picture and trying to get it finished by the end of January giving myself a deadline. Half way through January and it looks as though I'm going to meet the dealine unless of course something drastic goes wrong. So here it is the evidence of whether I can paint or not!

This was where I was this morning (above) and this is the progress today with another 4 hours or so of work.

I don't think I've done myself any favours choosing a subject that I know so well (My youngest son) and having the subject made up of 90% whites including a cable knit jumper!!! Anyway - it's proving to be a good learning process - possibly because it is a particularly tricky subject to paint. It's unusual too in that I've adopted a totally new modus operandi with regards to the order that I paint the elements. Normally I'd have painted the face and all the body details first and then the backgrounds. The problem with that was - when I did that I never felt compelled to finish everything else off once the face was done. So I'm going about it in a totally different way this time and so far it seems to be working.


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